What You Should Look For in a New Gym


What You Should Look For in a New Gym

With 2019 just a few days away, it’s time for us all to make our resolutions. One of them will undoubtedly be to be a healthier version of yourself in 2019.

The thing is, just last year you set a similar goal. “This is the year I get back into shape,”  you told yourself in 2018. So–what happened?

Don’t beat yourself up too much, it’s REALLY HARD to start a new habit like going to the gym. That’s because there’s so much to figure out: How much can I afford? What type of fitness am I interested in? Should I get a trainer? and.. most importantly, What gym should I join? 

Look for gyms that do the following:

Starts With The End in Mind

The best way to determine which gym to join is to start with the end in mind. Here’s a quick list of potential goals to help you out:

  • Fat Loss
  • Strength Gain/Toning
  • Looking Great
  • Finding a New Social Group/Community
  • Better Flexibility
  • Accountability
  • Stress Relief
  • Athletic Enhancement

The first thing is to find a gym that is interested in YOUR goals and end result. Most gyms have an on-boarding program (or at least a cheesy sells pitch), and if your goals are not the main topic of discussion: LEAVE. 

If the business/trainer/coach doesn’t ask about your goals that means they are focused on their own, and it also means you won’t get where you’re going.

Gives Proper Advice

Ensure your new gym has certified trainers and coaches. If you are unsure, ask them. Additionally, they should be willing to give their advice. Every single Olympic competitor has a coach or trainer, and they are the best in the world–and you should have one too.

There are a lot of dangers in a gym, and some MAJOR life-changing injuries can happen from following bad advice or no advice at all.

Your new gym should have the credentials and know-how to help you.

Has a Nutrition Program

One of the most effective ways to reach gym goals is through nutrition coaching. Slight changes in a persons day-to-day diet can yield fantastic results.

Outdated gyms lack nutrition coaching or programs–that’s because they are focused on the old sells method of the gym world. In the new model, the goal is to give clients the results they want. A gym without a nutrition program is missing a key component to fitness.

Invests in You

Predatory sells tactics are the name of the game in many gyms. Here’s how to spot a predatory sells practice:

  • Need to send cancellation notice (in writing) to some P.O. Box across state-lines to change gyms.
  • Only offer annual memberships, or membership is significantly decreased in price to sign up.
  • Have a lengthy contract when signing up.
  • Constant attempts to “up-sale” you on products or services not geared toward your goal.

The gym you’re looking to join should invest in you to the point where they call you when you don’t show up. At The UnderBox, we reach out to members missing in action once a week, and we allow our members to cancel at any time.

Gimmick gyms would be far too scared to do that, as they are not actually offering value to their clients. Their goal is to catch you in a long term membership that you HOPEFULLY won’t use.

Fits Your Schedule

This is 2019. Not 1967. Things move at light-speed now: and it’s important your gym can keep up. Do they offer multiple gym times a day just in case you miss your primary time? If not, do they offer personal training times to help fit your busy day? Can they do house calls?

Modern gyms can do all of those things–make sure the gym you’re joining can too.

Get Going!

Now that you’re armed, it’s time to hit that goal. It’s a new beginning, and a fantastic opportunity to achieve something great. This is your year and this time, in 2020, you won’t be looking back at 2019 wishing you got started!

Here at The UnderBox we know it can be intimidating to get to a new gym. We want to alleviate that process and make sure you find a program that meets YOUR goals, not place you in some arbitrary program meant for others. If we don’t think we’re the best fit for you, we will point you in the right direction.

The best part, is our ‘No Sweat Intro’ is free–with no sales tactics or gimmicks.

Click the link below, and fill out the two easy questions to get started:

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